Get this photoshop work on the net.. it is said that when you look it directly for a while, then you will feel a headache it is working i guess… i feel it whenever i look it even just 10 seconds…
Hidden man in the coffee beans

There is a hidden man (just his head) between the coffee beans… find out where he is.. :D
jumpe dah kepala org tu! ada adiah ke? ;)
Kat mana??? Tunjukkan tempat tu melalui berapa inci panjang dan berapa inci lebar.. eg. 5" X 2"... centimeter pun boleh. Kalau betul, fokus awak bagus!!! :D
ala..kecik je,lebey kurang besau kuku jari kelingking..kat bhgian bawah,nmpk idong dia dgn mate tu.hoho
TAHNIAH!!!!!!! Pandainya! (macam iklan tv) :D
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