Some facts about hair:
- The most common areas on the scalp in which to first see gray hair development are above the ears and/or at the temples.
- Hair only grows 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters each day.
- Your hair is a record book of your lifestyle. In its physical and chemical structure it can tell if you: smoke, drink and take drugs. It can also tell: what you eat, where you live, your habits, ethic origin and lifestyle. There is only one thing about you that your hair cannot reveal: Your gender.
- Blondes are most likely to develop a completely white head of hair in old age than any other hair color because their hair fiber has a very low concentration melanin pigment in it.
- The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years in the average.
- The average person has up to 150,000 hairs on her or his head.
- African hair grows more slowly and is more fragile than European hair. Asian hair grows the fastest and has the greatest elasticity.
- Africans and Europeans are more prone than Asians to balding.
- Hair texture can be temporarily or permanently altered by pregnancy, medication, chemotherapy and age.
- Poliosis: An absence or lessening of melanin in hair of the scalp, brows, or lashes. It comes from polios, the Greek word for "gray."
- Gray hair in childhood is known as ‘Premature graying’ or canities.
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