If you've found yourself spending a lot of money lately on various 'sound tweaking' gadgets, take note: the solution to your sound problems just might be closer (and cheaper) than you think!
Whether you want killer distortion or country-twang, the secret of great tone begins with a pure, clean signal.
In other words, no matter how many effects you intend to use, you've got to make sure the basic, unadulterated dry signal coming through your amp sounds just as good as anything else.

The first step here is as easy as proper maintenance of your guitar. Not only do you need to keep your strings fresh, and your neck in alignment, you also need to eliminate any sources of buzz or hum coming from faulty cords or poor electrical wiring in your pickups or input jack.
The second step is

For example, your amp's factory-installed speakers are probably not top-of-the-line. In the case of tube amps, especially, this can make a HUGE difference.
Along similar lines, you might also consider upgrading your tubes and/or the transistors used in the pre-amp stage.
Because your amp's sound is greatly influenced by the way each of these components responds to the guita

Last, but not least, take a look at the effects pedals you currently have in your arsenal. Maybe you've purchased 2 or 3 different distortion pedals, for example, in an elusive quest for that perfect 'crunch'?
There's nothing wrong with owning multiple pedals for the same type of effect; but, if you still aren't getting the sound you desire, it could be that you need to add something very basic into the mix, like an EQ pedal.
A good EQ pedal will allow you to shape which frequencies are emphasized. You can, for

Try mixing and matching EQ and Volume pedals in different places along your effects chain in order to boost or limit the characteristics of other effects. You'll be amazed how many different sounds you can create with a little experimentation!
By: Beth Miller
About The Author
Beth Miller is an Austin, Texas based musician with fifteen-plus years experience playing the guitar. She currently runs a newsletter focused on honest, no-hype reviews of various guitar-related theory and method training products.
For more information, you can visit her web site at:-

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