The most important way in which cats communicate is by vocalizing. A purr implies contentment, a hiss is a warning signal while a snarl is definite sign of irritation, offense and possible attack. These different ‘speeches’ made by a cat are easy and important to understand. You can also identify your cat’s moods by watching its body language:-

- A definite indication that your cat is very happy to see you is when it holds its tail rigidly vertical with the tip completely straight.
- A happy cat will always walk straight, its manner confident yet alert and its eyes narrow.
- Happy cat eyes are always wide open when lounging and the ears are constantly moving, trying to catch the direction of every little sound.
- A definite indication that your cat is angry is when it is swishing (wagging) its tail from side to side. While a slight twitch in the tip implies irritation, a vigorous swish is a warning sign that the cat is highly agitated. A bristling tail shows that your cat is ready to attack any moment.
- Angry cat eyes are large with dilated pupils and the ears are always pointed forward at an angle.
- The aggression of a cat is best recognized by its hiss and spit; open mouth, lips retracted and teeth bared are all signs of a highly irate cat.

- A cat is in a playful mood when it arches its back, seems to stretch out a bit, curls its tail upward loosely and puts its head down. This is a sign that it wants to play and that it likes you.
- Another sign of a playful mood is when the cat comes up to you and rubs against your face with its nose or forehead; it is a true sign of affection and good-humor.
- A curious cat fully extends its whiskers, so as to explore the world around it.
- The eyes of a curious cat have a faraway look and its ears rotate like radar dishes - as it seeks the source of the sound that has caught its attention.
betul... betul...
kucen saya camtu la :D
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