Today is a Teachers' Day in Malaysia even though it would be on the 5th of October for the whole world...
Today's date was chosen because in the same month in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Malay States had received several suggestions (documents) from the Education Committee regarding Teachers' Day as the base of education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report, has become the foundation of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

Mild, your blog is so heavy with widgets lah.. hu hu... dah lah my lappy ni lembab, nak load pun kemut... he hehe...
Just wanna say... you ada maine coon ke?? comelnya mild... nak satuuuuu.... Saya check harga kat sini... lebih kurang seribu kalau anak kucing maine coon.
Hehehe... Nak kena FedEx lah pulak kalau ada! Kojollah dia. 1000 tu standardlah. :) Dia best smart and friendly :)
see.. ade org lain yg komen blog ni berat :) mmg kene diet agaknye hehehe
btw, selamat hari guru utk sume cekgu2 semalaysia :)
Bwahahaha... Tapi dah OK kan?
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